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Content on the Welldone website is protected by copyright. To ensure wide dissemination of its information, Welldone is committed to making its content freely available and encourages the use, reproduction and dissemination of the text, multimedia and data presented. The use of publications and information available in the website, is governed by an Open Access policy. Please consult this policy for detailed terms and conditions applicable to the use of Welldone publications and documents. All other content on the Welldone website except where otherwise indicated, may be copied, printed and downloaded for private study, research and teaching purposes, and for use in non-commercial products or services, provided that appropriate acknowledgement of Welldone as the source and copyright holder is given and that Welldone endorsement of users views, products or services is not stated or implied in any way. Welldone encourages unrestricted use of news releases provided on the Welldone website; no formal permission is required to reproduce these materials. All requests for translation and adaptation rights, and for resale and other commercial use rights should be addressed to


Conditions for reuse of photographs on the Welldone website are the same as those for other content, with the exception that photographs must not be modified without prior permission. Permission must be requested for any commercial use, advertising, marketing, storage or third-party distribution of Welldone photographs. Welldone reserves the right to withhold distribution and/or permission to reproduce Welldone photographic material should the intended use be considered inappropriate. Welldone photographs must be credited each time they are published. The recommended citation format for photographs is Welldone /[name of photographer]. To request permissions, please send the URL address in which the photograph(s) appear to  


The Welldone website may include third party copyright material for which rights and permissions must be obtained from the copyright holder(s) indicated. 


The Welldone logo is the corporate identifier and official seal of the company, and it is protected under conventions on intellectual property. Its use is highly restricted and is prohibited without prior permission. Requests for use of the Welldone logo for any reason whatsoever, whether or not in association with other logos, must be addressed to If permission for use of the Welldone logo is granted, instructions for its placement and display, including related disclaimers, must be strictly adhered to. The use and reproduction of content containing the Welldone logo must not be in association with advertising or with the names of proprietary products and must not imply Welldone’s endorsement of products or services in any way. Welldone reserves the right to request the immediate removal of its logo from unauthorized websites or products. 


Welldone encourages users to establish hyperlinks to the Welldone website and prior permission is not required. The Welldone logo should not be included when linking to the Welldone website, unless prior permission has been granted (see Use of Welldone logo).